Hi Mama!

We support women as they become mothers.

Becoming a mother doesn’t happen the moment the baby arrives. It’s a journey that begins with a new little one but ends with a new version of you.

About Us

When two best friends became a therapist and a doctor and then became moms...

They set out to create what they couldn't find:

A platform with mom-centered, expert-curated information to help you put a name to those confusing feelings and emotions and understand the root cause of those experiences. We'll then couple that insight with online resources to learn practical, simple skills, and strategies focused on the mood and mental challenges that are unique to motherhood."

"A Bit Frazzled" the Podcast with Bloom After Baby

"A Bit Frazzled" the Podcast with Bloom After Baby

Unable to find sufficient support in traditional care settings, we discovered podcasts as our most valuable resource. That's why we created Bloom after Baby and the A Bit Frazzled Podcast. Our mission is to share essential information from top maternal mental health experts, insights from experienced moms, and conversations with leading voices reshaping the narrative around the journey to motherhood and beyond.

A Guide to Hormones and Mood Changes in the Pregnancy & Postpartum


Sad Dads: Recognizing Paternal Postpartum Depression

Resentment Is Addicting

Send Us a Message!

Prefer to reach out directly? Questions or suggestions? Want to collab on a topic, pod episode, or project? 

Email us at hello@bloomafterbaby.com or fill out the form to the right

Follow us on instagram @bloomafterbaby